
Family archive Amelander historie

Dit familiearchief is speciaal voor stamboomonderzoekers met 'Amelander roots' opgericht. Als deelnemer kunt u met andere deelnemers genealogische gegevens (foto's en verhalen) uitwisselen. Regelmatig worden gratis tips en genealogische gegevens geplaatst. Wij hopen hiermee uw onderzoek verder te helpen! Bekijk ook onze websites:

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Tot ziens in het familiearchief!

Family Archivist

The archivist of this family archive is Amelander Historie. Together with 198 more participants active in the family history!

Related genealogical publications:

Through this digital archive you can help me - Amelander Historie - with filling the family archive and describing the family history.

Access to this family archive

Access to this family archive is only possible upon invitation from the family archivist. Do you want access to the family archive because you have interesting material for the family archive or because you would like to help with describing photos?

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