
Familiearchief Gall/Genseal

Ok, so my family has had a tree for more than 30 years now. What we don't have is a family archive! My immediate family, & my mom's brother & his wife & kids, & my mom's sister & her husband (passed away a few years back) & her kids, & their mom & dad/my grandparents (grandpa passed away about 10 yrs back, my grandma 3 yrs back) have all lived very close, & all have been very close, sharing many holiday's all together. Unfortunately, when one of us can't make it, we all want to share whatever was missed with the others, but up til now we've tried to make do with this. I would love to see our family with a digital archive, as it is designed, by nature for family! Love the idea.

Familie Archivaris

De archivaris van dit familiearchief is Catherine Spry.

Gerelateerde genealogische publicaties:

Via dit digitale archief kunt u mij - Catherine Spry - helpen met het vullen van het familiearchief en het beschrijven van de familiegeschiedenis.

Toegang tot dit familiearchief

Toegang tot dit familiearchief is alleen mogelijk na uitnodiging van de familiearchivaris. Wilt u toegang tot het familiearchief omdat u interessant materiaal heeft voor in het familiearchief of omdat u graag wilt helpen met het beschrijven van foto's?

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